New Bullards Bar Dam Digital Revolution
Client: Bentley Systems Production Company: Guerilla Capturing Aim: To advertise iTwin IoT software's compatibility with sensors and its use to improve dam inspections Located in Central Valley County in California, the New Bullards Bar Dam was constructed as part of the Yuba Water Development project, aimed to reduce flood risk, generate clean hydropower and ensure a reliable water supply for the surrounding community. Through the collaboration between Yuba Water Agency, Bentley Systems and World Sensing, the ageing asset has received a remote monitoring solution that allowed crews to efficiently inspect all areas of the dam using iTwin IOT software. Despite the sensors being installed before the principal production, it was still possible to capture a great variety of B-Roll that would complement the client's story from both technical and community perspectives. The produced video was added to the client's collection of iTwin IOT use cases and is an integral part of the blog post about this project.
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