Class: Moving Image Foundations (University of Colorado in Boulder) Aim: To produce a short final film Award: Cinema Studies & Moving Image Arts Achievement in Filmmaking Award, Fall 2019 The following fiction film was produced for my Introduction to Moving Image Foundations class (CINE2000) at the University of Colorado in Boulder in Fall 2019. Narrated through the use of flashbacks, the film takes place on 16th of July 1945 - the day when the first atomic bomb, The Trinity, was exploded in New Mexico. Following the possible scenario when the bomb explodes the atmosphere, the woman who works on the Trinity project ends up stranded in the desert and slowly regains her memory through flashbacks and the strong influence of the landscape. There is no one left alive except for her and she attempts to survive in the hot and vast desert. With no water and hope, what will she do next? I do not own rights for the documentary film "The Day After Trinity" directed by Jon H. Else, inserts of which are included in this film.